Things I Learned at Google: Design Docs

This is part three of a multi-part series on lessons I learned while working as a software engineer at Google. If you’d like to start at the beginning, check out part zero.

Essentially, design docs describe a plan for solving a problem. Teams at Google generally require engineers to write design docs before any significant change (or set of changes) to a product or service. These docs serve a number of useful purposes:

Design docs are largely an efficiency tool. By requiring engineers to specify their approach in detail before beginning work, infeasible approaches are often caught before significant time is wasted on their implementation. Document review socializes plans within a team and creates a ‘plan of record’ capable of sustaining projects through personnel and organizational changes.

A reviewed document also provides useful context for code reviewers who may see only isolated, intermediate changes that are part of a larger objective. Building and maintaining software over time comes with significant coordination challenges; design docs fight these challenges by pulling coordination overhead from the future to the present, thereby reducing its cost.

Advice for authors: take responsibility

Design docs are a communication exercise. You, as the author, have a plan for implementing a change. For efficiency reasons (see above) it is desirable for your colleagues to understand the nature of the change you are proposing and the rationale for your approach.

You are responsible for ensuring this understanding takes place. Your design doc should be a vessel that delivers your ideas in their most consumable form. Make intentional choices in structure, detail, and wording to accomplish this goal.

Advice for authors: remember your audience(s)

Design docs serve many purposes and many audiences. Provide the necessary context and background information for your approach to be understood by readers.

Remember that you are (likely) the world’s foremost expert on the solution you are proposing; in comparison, your team members (and doc reviewers) may have contemplated it slightly or not at all. Does your doc ferry them through the thought process of understanding your proposed approach from a position of relative ignorance?

Remember that your doc may be read by future team members you will never meet. Will it help them understand the decisions you made?

Remember that your doc may be read by other managers as part of a performance review process. Will the nature of your work be clear to them?

My preferred doc structure

Over time I have settled on a structure for my design docs that I find effective:

This structure is not original; most design docs at Google contain many of these sections. However, no formula or document template can accomplish this communication exercise for you. The intent of the sections is what pursues this goal – without that, the organization is mostly worthless.

I arrived at this approach iteratively, by seeing what worked (and didn’t) in my own docs and by applying the same lens to others’ writing. A different approach may work for you; experiment and look around for what works and what doesn’t.

Different types of docs

Every project is different; adapt your writing to the communication exercise at hand. The most variable parts of the design docs I write are the structure of the ‘detailed design’ section and the list of secondary sections.

For small projects (down to even an individual thorny code change), I sometimes write a ‘one-pager’[0] that follows an abbreviated structure: Background, Overview, and Proposed Changes. A doc like this can be written in less than an hour and can provide the same discussion and archival benefits of larger docs.

Tone, grammar, and clarity

It is worth reiterating: design docs are a communication exercise. My experience is that document readers do not distinguish between content and form when judging documents. In other words, if your document reads like crap then readers will infer that your ideas are crap.

In the pursuit of effective written communication, I recommend applying a consistent tone (or ‘voice’) to your design docs. With practice you may find that a particular written style comes to you naturally. Another good option is emulating the style of docs you find effective. This is not creative fiction; consistency is a virtue.

Make a strong effort to avoid glaring grammatical errors like sentence fragments, missing punctuation, and misspellings. There are abundant automated tools that can help with this if you need them.

Some people are under the mistaken impression that their docs are more effective (or impressive) the longer they are. Superfluous information imperils the communication exercise in the same way as grammatical mistakes; make the most of your readers’ limited attention by being as concise as possible.

[0] It is a running joke at Google that documents labelled as ‘one-pagers’ are sometimes multiple times longer than that. While it is difficult to condense any design to a single page, I consider two pages the highest acceptable limit for this label.